
Monitoring and alerting is crucial for a distributed system. PERSIA provides integration with Prometheus for this purpose.

Services in PERSIA push their metrics to a PushGateway, and the gateway then exposes these metrics to Prometheus.

Step to Enable Metrics in PERSIA

Enable Metrics in Configuration

Add the following configurations in global_config.yaml.

job_name(str) is a name to distinguish your job from others. It can be, for example, dlrm_v1.0.

  enable_metrics: true
  job_name: your_job_name

Deploy PushGateway

See official documentation for details. Here is an example for deploying gateway by docker-compose.

The default push address on PERSIA services is metrics_gateway:9091, which can be overridden by the environment variable PERSIA_METRICS_GATEWAY_ADDR.

version: "3.3"





        image: prom/pushgateway:latest
            replicas: 1

        image: prom/prometheus:latest
            replicas: 1
        command: "--config.file=/workspace/config/prometheus.yml"

        image: grafana/grafana:latest
            - "3000:3000/tcp"
            replicas: 1
            GF_PATHS_PROVISIONING: /workspace/grafana/provisioning/

You can check what metrics are there by running

curl metrics_gateway:9091/metrics

in a service container.

By configuring the GF_PATHS_PROVISIONING environment variable, you can specify the grafana provisioning directory to access our preset grafana panels.

Collecting Metrics

To collect metrics from the gateway, you need a prometheus service to do that for you.

Details of how to setup a prometheus service in various environments can be found in prometheus documentation, for example docker_sd_config, kubernetes_sd_config or dockerswarm_sd_config.

Metrics in PERSIA

index_miss_countcount of missing indices when lookup. There may be various reasons for the missing of embeddings, e.g. lookup a new index or the index has been evicted.
index_miss_ratioratio of missing indices for all features when lookup for one batch.
gradient_id_miss_countnumber of missing indices when updating gradient. This will only happen when embedding was evicted before gradient update.
estimated_distinct_idestimated number of distinct indices for each feature.
batch_unique_indices_rateunique index rate in one batch.
stalenessstaleness of sparse model. The iteration of dense model run one by one, while the embedding lookup happened before concurrently. The staleness describe the delay of embeddings. The value of staleness start with 0, increase one when lookup a batch, decrease one when a batch update its gradients
nan_grad_skippednan gradient count caused by dense part.
lookup_hashmap_time_cost_sectime cost of embedding lookup on embedding server, mainly spent on looking up from hash table.
num_pending_batchesnumber of batches that are already sent to embedding worker but still waiting for NN worker to trigger lookup. The pending batches are stored in forward buffer, whose capacity is configurable by global_config.yaml. Once the buffer is full, the embedding worker may not accept new batches.
lookup_preprocess_time_cost_sectime cost of preprocess for embedding lookup on embedding worker. Include ID hashing, dividing id accroding feature groups and embedding servers.
lookup_rpc_time_cost_sectime cost of embedding lookup on embedding worker for a batch, include lookup on embedding server (lookup_hashmap_time_cost_sec) and network transmission.
lookup_postprocess_time_cost_seclookup postprocess time cost on embedding worker, mainly embedding summation.
lookup_total_time_cost_sectotal time cost of lookup, preprocess and postprocess on embedding worker. lookup_total_time_cost_sec = lookup_preprocess_time_cost_sec + lookup_rpc_time_cost_sec + lookup_postprocess_time_cost_sec
update_gradient_time_cost_secupdate gradient time cost on embedding worker for a batch.