Getting Started

By taking advantage of PERSIA K8s operator's automation, you can start a PERSIA training task with a few instructions.


  • kubectl command-line tool
  • valid kubeconfig file (by efault located at ~/.kube/config)


kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

NOTE: It can take a few minutes to start the operator due to container image pulling.


To run a simple example training task (adult income prediction), apply the following Kubernetes PERSIA task definition file:

kubectl apply -f

This runs the adult income prediction training task defined by adult-income-prediction.train.yml. This file defines system configuration (e.g. resources limit, volume mounts) and environment variables (with paths to embedding, model and data configuration files) of a PERSIA training task.

To run a customized training task on your own dataset and models, you can edit the following configuration files (see customization for more details):

  • Embedding configuration file: A file defining the embedding configurations (e.g. embedding dimension, and sum pooling). This file is named as embedding_config.yaml by default. For more details see embedding config.
  • Embedding PS configuration file: Configuration of embedding parameter servers, e.g. max capacity of embedding parameter servers. This file is named as global_config.yaml by default. For more details see global config.
  • Model definition configuration file: A file that defines the neural network (NN) using PyTorch. This file is named as by default. For more details see model definition.
  • Data preprocessing configuration file: A file that defines the data preprocessing. This file is named as by default. For more details see training data.

The location of these files can be specified using the environment variables PERSIA_EMBEDDING_CONFIG, PERSIA_GLOBAL_CONFIG, PERSIA_NN_WORKER_ENTRY, PERSIA_DATALOADER_ENTRY respectively. For more details on how to customize these environment variables, see launcher configuration.

Run Manually

To launch the PERSIA adult income prediction training task manually, the first step is to download the corresponding dataset and preprocess the train data and test data. We have prepared the script to help you to finish this step.

git clone
cd PERSIA/examples/src/adult-income/data && ./

Now you can start your first PERSIA training task with one of the following methods.

Using Docker-Compose

Docker-compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container docker applications. By modifying the docker-compose.yml file, you can customize the PERSIA training task (such as image, replicas). See PERSIA docker-compose configuration for more details.



Use the following instructions to start your PERSIA training task after installing the requirements.

cd examples/src/adult-income && make run

Using Python Package

You are free to modify PERSIA source code and build your customized PERSIA Python package.


Acquiring PERSIA Python package

There are methods to acquire a PERSIA Python package.

  • Using Pre-compiled Wheels

Wheels (precompiled binary packages) are available for Linux (x86_64). Package names are different depending on your CUDA Toolkit version (CUDA Toolkit version is shown in nvcc --version). All of these precompiled binary packages need Python greater than 3.6.

CUDA Toolkit versionInstallation command
None (CPU version)pip3 install persia
>= v10.2pip3 install persia-cuda102
>= v11.1pip3 install persia-cuda111
>= v11.3pip3 install persia-cuda113
  • From Source

Use following instructions to build PERSIA Python packages from source (Ubuntu 20.04 & Windows 10. It should be similar on other OSes).

Note: You need to set environment variable USE_CUDA=1 to add CUDA support (for GPU training). In this case, the CUDA runtime path should be already present in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Ubuntu 20.04

apt update && apt-get install -y curl build-essential git python3 python3-dev python3-pip

export RUSTUP_HOME=/rust
export CARGO_HOME=/cargo
export PATH=/cargo/bin:/rust/bin:PATH
curl -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain nightly -y --profile default --no-modify-path

git clone && cd PERSIA

# To install CUDA version
USE_CUDA=1 NATIVE=1 pip3 install .

# To install CPU version
NATIVE=1 pip3 install .

Windows 10

Python3, Perl and Rust are required.

git clone && cd PERSIA

# To install CUDA version
USE_CUDA=1 NATIVE=1 pip3 install .

# To install CPU version
NATIVE=1 pip3 install .


After installing the PERSIA Python package locally, you are able to launch the example adult income prediction training task with:

cd examples/src/adult-income
honcho start -e .honcho.env

For more configuration options see Customization.

Deploy Trained Model for Inference

See Inference.